Tuesday, September 16, 2008

advice from friends at home -- by b

A few weeks and many thousands of miles ago we had a going-away picnic in SF. It was sunny in Potrero del Sol park next to the kids' school.

Kristin had wanted to bring a notebook and ask people to write some notes that we could read on the plane... In all the tumult we forgot to bring a notebook. But I had my phone so I asked people for advice for a good year away. In a bid to avoid some actual-work-work i need to do tonight, I edited the comments together ... it's a truly fine piece of filmmaking :-)

To see it, visit this address:
(I actually do quite like the superqueso ending). Moltes grĂ cies to "siuoo/Jackie" for the youtube footage from a 747 leaving SF (flying west not east... but you get the idea), Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe